2013/03/25 Thanks for all shared the time, space, and music in 'Innocent Boys Play with Music Like a Child!' All musicians were really innocent. Miracle appeared! |
2013/03/25 |
PROFILE.PDF | TIME SCHEDULE.PDF | https://www.super-deluxe.com/(スーパーデラックス)| |予約:http://peatix.com/event/11304| |
2013/03/05 Thank you for all coming! We completly realized our ideal space during these 2 days. |
PROFILE.PDF | TIME SCHEDULE.PDF | http://vacant.n0idea.com | |booking@n0idea.com (VACANT) |メ ディアの方→リリー一式DL(17MB) |
ABOUT Whatever Records is another project of Whatever Press. We think the relation between Music & Architecture, Art, Design and practice through several approaches each other in the age of Master Copyless. For example, we organized this place on 2nd & 3rd March, the days for girls in Japan, where 8 musicians plays music. Our experiment is the length of the each lives set as limited 90 minutes which ordinary they are 40 to 60 and listener can enjoy 4 musicians at one day. This project is the trajectory toward the critical exercise of Media on Music. So Festival is one of the ways for it. We try to produce the situation different from what they think in the field of music, rather, we use the way of Art, Architecture, Design to Music Scene. We believe this, not Ordinary Lives nor Outside Festivals, can generate the new experience both for musicians & listeners. That naturally publish the sounds recorded in some new way to public sphere. Whatever Recordsは建築美術デザインに関する出版活動を行うWhatever Press(http://twitter.com/whateverpress)から派生した音楽プロジェクト. WPは国内外を問わずコラボや流通を行い出版のあり方そのものを問い直します. http://www.whateverpress.com . 音楽ブロジェクトであるWhatever Records(http://twiter.com/whateverrecord)はWPが英語ベースで国外に比重を置く一方で, 日本語で活動を行い, 音楽と建築美術デザインとの相互浸透を図るとともに, マスターコピーレス時代のメディアのあり方を考え問い直す試みです. フェスはあくまでひとつの手段であり, 普通のライブや野外フェスとは異なるシチュエーションをつくることで, ミュージシャンとリスナーの両方に新しい体験をしてもらい, そこで生まれる音を何かしらの形で再度世に出していくという計画です. CONTACT records@whateverpress.com |